The Date Your Mate Challenge is a very exciting four week Facebook event to help strengthen your marriage and have fun in the process!

Are you interested in more fun times with your spouse?
How about…
- Improving your communication?
- Deepening your intimacy?
- Strengthening your commitment?
- Lessening your stress?
“So, what is the Date Your Mate Challenge?”
It is the gamification of dating your spouse, like a virtual Tough Mudder for your marriage. Including all the fun, challenge and camaraderie. But minus the mud, sweat and pain.
- Four Dates
- Four Weeks
- Lots of Fun
- Weekly Challenges
- Prize Giveaways
- Accountability
- Date Ideas
- Encouragement
- New Connections with other Couples
- And much ,more…
Other Frequently Asked Questions:
Q Who is the Date Your Mate Challenge for?
- It is for couples who believe dating is important but have a hard time actually making it happen.
- It is for newlyweds who want to solidify the practice of dating as a married couple.
- It is for couples who excel in the practice of dating and want to share their experiences to encourage other couples.
- It is for empty-nesters who want to reconnect with each other through the practice of dating.
- It is for couples who want to connect with other married couples who also practice dating.
- It is for parents of young children who struggle finding time and resources to date.
- It is for couples who want to cut through the busyness of life and have fun dating each other.
- It is for couples who just want to have fun!
Q How does the Date Your Mate Challenge work?
The Date Your Mate Challenge lasts for four weeks. During the four weeks couples go on one date per week.
Couples become part of a private members only Facebook Group along with all the other participating couples. Weekly date themes and marriage building activities are provided.
After each date the couple “checks-in”, which makes them eligible for the weekly prize.
Couples who “check-in” for all four weeks become eligible for the Grand Prize at the end of event.
The Date Your Mate Challenge is a virtual event. Interactions between different couples occur primarily through posts in the the private Facebook Group.
Q How are prize winners chosen?
Prize winners are chosen randomly based your date “check-in” each week. Only couples who “check-in” for their date that week are eligible for that week’s prize.
Only couples who “check-in” for all four dates are eligible for the Grand Prize.
Q What are the prizes?
Gift cards and certificates for more dates and/or positive marriage building resources. The Grand Prize is a $200 gift card that can be used for multiple dates and/or an overnight getaway!
Q Where do the prizes come from?
This Date Your Mate Challenge is sponsored by Starting Point Church and Third Shot Coffee, both in Prescott, Arizona.
Q Where does the Date Your Mate Challenge take place?
The Date Your Mate Challenge is a virtual Facebook event, which basically makes this a location independent event.
Couples can participate from anywhere in the world. (Digital substitutions will be made for prize winners who live outside the US Postal service area.)
Where each couple goes on their dates is up to them.
All group interaction occurs in a private, members only Facebook Group created specifically for this event.
Q When is it?
The current Date Your Mate Challenge begins Sunday, August 25th and ends Sunday, September 22nd.
Does dating really influence the quality of a couple’s relationship?
Social scientists, W. Bradford Wilcox and Jeffrey Dew, found strong evidence that it does. They conducted an extensive review of social science literature in order to assess how date nights influence the quality of couple’s relationships. They shared their findings in a report written for the National Marriage Project called The Date Night Opportunity.
What they found is that regular dating provides five specific benefits to married couples.
{ Benefit # 1 }
Better Communication
Dating is a way to prevent the “two ships passing in the night” syndrome. It can give you opportunities to talk without distraction. Conversations can happen when you are on a date that would not happen otherwise.
{ Benefit # 2 }
More Fun
Dating is an opportunity to do new things together. In marriage there is the danger of becoming too familiar with each other. Dating is a way to break out of the familiar and do the unusual. Step out of your routines and enjoy each other’s company doing something you have never done before.
{ Benefit # 3 }
Less Stress
Dating your spouse does not mean you have less stress in your life. Making dates happen can actually be stressful. But on the flip side, regularly going out on dates together helps to reduce stress. It gives couples the chance to extend emotional support to each other, especially during times of trial. Dating can become a buffer and provide an escape from the pressing concerns of regular life.
{ Benefit # 4 }
Greater Commitment
Commitment is like a muscle that gets stronger with use. Dating takes commitment. It means that you have overcome obstacles, such as setting up child care, or making the time, or spending the money. When you make dates happen you are showing your spouse and others that you are committed to him or her, and to your relationship.
{ Benefit # 5 }
More Romance
Feelings of romance are fleeting. A fire that is not fed or tended will soon die. So it is with the sense of passion between two people. Dating keeps the fires of desire alive and growing. It is a way to both feed the fire and fan the flame of romance.
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