Today’s Featured Couple is Archie and Lori!
Every couple has valuable treasure hidden in their relationship. The Spouse Dates Featured Couple Interview is designed to “mine” some of that treasure in order to share it with you.
As you read Archie and Lori’s story I hope you find a gem, jewel or golden nugget that will be encourage and inspire you in our own marriage!

Archie & Lori are from Michigan and have been married 25 years. They are in the midst of raising their two teenagers, a 13 year old daughter and a 17 year old son.
How did you first meet?
We met in college in Missouri.
What was your first date?
Our first date was at a restaurant. We ordered burgers and cheese sticks.
As a couple, what is something you have struggled with or a difficulty you have overcome? How would you encourage other couples that may be facing the same challenge?
A big struggle is being on the same page in the discipline of the kids. We have spent a lot of time understanding each other’s viewpoint. Now we truly support each other, and are on the same page.
What are some marriage resources that have helped you build a better marriage?
Love and Respect: by Emerson Eggerich: fantastic book, and we saw them over a Seminar weekend. It revolutionized our marriage and intimacy.
What ingredient has contributed the most to the longevity of your relationship?
Christ has to be the foundation. It has to be about Him. He unites the couple as one.
Tell us about an “Aha!” moment that has helped you become a better spouse.
Lori’s love language is being held, and listened to. Once I started meeting this need, we really grew closer.
If you could go back in time and give your newlywed selves one piece of marriage advice, what would that be?
Give each other more room to make mistakes.
When you think about your future together, what are you most excited about?
Making time for more 1 on 1 dates, and a fun trip to a Sandals type resort.
What was your best date ever and what made it so outstanding?
Last fall we went to see Daughtry in concert, and it was a total blast. I didn’t tell her where we were going. We had a romantic dinner, then great seats at a fantastic concert. We took selfies, and she told all her friends what a great time she had.
If you found an idea that encouraged or inspired you, be sure to pass it on!
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