Let these calendar based date (and microdate) ideas to help inspire your date planning for the week.
April 3rd
National Find a Rainbow Day
- Plan an evening at home celebrating each of the colors of the rainbow using some of these ideas from the Romantic Vineyard’s “End of the Rainbow Date Idea”
World Party Day
- Find a party to attend together. Or plan a dinner party with another couple.
April 4th
National Walk Around Things Day
- Take your spouse by the hand and go for a walk around the block, your neighborhood, a local park or the mall.
April 5th
National Deep Dish Pizza Day
- Find a local pizzeria that serves deep dish pizza and go out to eat there together
National Read a Road Map
- Shut the electronic devices and open a traditional road map. Familiarize yourself with it and take a little road trip together.
April 6th
On this day in 1896 the First modern Olympic Games opened
- Check out some of these fun Olympic sports and design your own fun date to play together, or find a local organization where you can join in: archery, badminton, beach volleyball, canoe / kayak, cycling, diving, equestrian, fencing, handball, rowing, sailing, shooting, table tennis, tennis, wrestling
National Tartan Day – a day that honors the Scottish heritage that flows through this nation.
- Plan a normal date – but speak to each other with a Scottish accent. Not sure how? Use these tips from Wiki-How: How to Talk With a Scottish Accent
April 7th
National Beer Day – On this day in 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt took the first step toward ending Prohibition and signed a law that allowed people to brew and sell beer, for the first time in thirteen years
- Tour a brewery. Or, plan an at home beer tasting date with homemade pretzels and different mustards.
National Coffee Cake Day
- Find a coffee cake recipe you know your spouse would love and make it. Serve it as a surprise with his or her favorite coffee.
April 8th
National Zoo Lovers Day
- Go to the zoo together.
On this day, Buddhists celebrate the commemoration of the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, thought to have been born in 563 B.C.
- Make a miniature Zen rock garden together. Follow this simple guide for all the details.
April 9th
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
- Make some of your own Chinese Almond Cookies together using this recipe from Food.com
Cherish An Antique Day
- Visit to an art museum or an antique store. Tell your spouse about any handmade items in your own family history that hold a personal emotional connection.
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