Today’s Featured Couple is David and Colleen!
Every couple has valuable treasure hidden in their relationship. The Spouse Dates Featured Couple Interview is designed to “mine” some of that treasure in order to share it with you.
As you read David and Colleen’s story I hope you find a gem, jewel or golden nugget that will be encourage and inspire you in our own marriage!

David and Colleen have been married for 3 years and reside in Cleveland, Ohio. They have a one year old daughter. David is a consultant, coach and entrepreneur. Colleen teaches kindergarten online which enables her to also stay home to take care of their baby girl. How sweet is that?
How did you first meet?
We met on in 2010. Colleen “winked” at David, and David started the email conversation. Colleen’s subscription was expiring so she gave him her personal email. They continued conversation for 4 days before David asked her on the first date.
What was your first date?
We went to Bravo for dinner in a snow storm. David drove without windshield washer fluid to meet Colleen. It was the best date. We talked about things we have never shared before. Colleen knew she would marry David on the first date. It was magical.
As a couple, what is something you have struggled with or a difficulty you have overcome?
With starting a business and balancing work we have struggled to find enough family time. Doing anything for a season is fine, but making it the norm is not.
How would you encourage other couples that may be facing the same challenge?
Our advice to others is to plan family days and if you have a big goal for school or a business that is taking a lot of your time, set an end date – a date when the chaos ends and normalcy returns.
What are some marriage resources (books, websites, organizations, people, etc.) that have helped you build a better marriage?
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey.
Tell us about an “Aha!” moment that has helped you become a better spouse.
An “Aha” moment came for us prior to getting married, during our pre-marital counseling. We uncovered a lot of good and challenging things about one another. However, the “aha” moment was when we realized that if we focus on the other persons needs, our own needs will be met.
What was your best date ever and what made it so outstanding?
Our best date was a well planned day filled with activities that centered around David’s interests. Colleen took him golfing, followed by a picnic in the park, an enjoyable hike then finished with a fully set camping adventure. They cooked together and stayed by the fire talking. It was outstanding because it catered to David’s interests and Colleen enjoyed the day together as well.
If you could go back in time and give your newlywed selves one piece of marriage advice, what would that be?
“You have chosen this person to spend your life with and time is so precious. So keep your priorities with God, Family, Friends, and Work in line.”
When you think about your future together, what are you most excited about?
As we look to our future we are looking to growing our family. We are excited about growing closer to each other while learning more about one another each day and what God is going to reveal to us about our plans for His works.
The number one cause of arguments in marriage is around money, how have you handled that topic?
Early on in our marriage we went through the Financial Peace University program by Dave Ramsey and read his books. By following his advice about a strict budget we have been able to pay off all debt, save more and rarely argue about money.
If you found an idea that encouraged or inspired you, be sure to pass it on!
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