Today’s Featured Couple is Mimi and Terver!
Every couple has valuable treasure hidden in their relationship. The Spouse Dates Featured Couple Interview is designed to “mine” some of that treasure in order to share it with you.
As you read Mimi and Terver’s story I hope you find a gem, jewel or golden nugget that will be encourage and inspire you in our own marriage!

Mimi and Terver have been married for 5 years after dating for 11 years. They live in Makurdi, Nigeria amd have a son who is 2 years and 9 months old. Mimi is a baker who crafts amazing cakes and considers herself married to the best man in the world! Feel free to connect with her on Twitter.
How did you first meet?
I went over his house to see my friend who happens to be his sister.
As a couple, what is something you have struggled with or a difficulty you have overcome?
Communication has been a difficult one. We make assumptions about each other and assume stuff without asking each other if that’s what it really is…we have hopefully overcome that…
What was your best date ever and what made it so outstanding?
My 29th birthday…we really shared with each other…emotionally and all.
What are some marriage resources that have helped you build a better marriage?
The Praying Wife, the Bible and romantic movies and novels.
Tell us about an “Aha!” moment that has helped you become a better spouse.
I need to love myself first then I can love him better.
If you could go back in time and give your newlywed selves one piece of marriage advice, what would that be?
Honesty… just be honest with each other.
When you think about your future together, what are you most excited about?
Holidays and vacations with the kids all grown up and more.
If given a chance to do it all over, would you still marry your spouse?
If you found an idea that encouraged or inspired you, be sure to pass it on!
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