Today’s featured Spouse Date couple is Lisa and Andrew!
Drew and Lisa live in a small town in Mississippi and have twin daughters who are 25 years old and both married. One just moved to CA with their 16-month-old granddaughter, and the other lives in PA. Lisa and Drew just celebrated their 30th anniversary this year. To celebrate they went Chattanooga, TN, visited the aquarium and then did something they had never done before, they went white-water rafting – which was a blast!

How did you first meet?
We met through mutual friends over breakfast in the college cafeteria at Baylor.
What was your first date and what encouraged you to keep dating?
Our first date was not a great success. We tried to go to the basketball game, but it was sold out. We went for a long walk to a beautifully lit pedestrian bridge. That part was great. Coming back, however, there was no way that I was going to try to walk across I-45, so we had to backtrack, and we had already walked a very long way. He tried to kiss me good night–on our 1st date!?!–I ducked under his arm and went into my dorm. A later semester we were in the same apartment complex and started dating after my mom pointed Drew out and said that he seemed like such a nice boy.
What was your best date ever and what made it so outstanding?
One of our best dates was a dinner cruise on a riverboat on the Mississippi River. It was very romantic with a live band, the lights on the boat and the bridges, and cruising on the river.
How do people describe you as a couple?
People describe as a cute, sweet, and like newlyweds.
What’s one of the biggest challenges you have faced as a couple and how has that challenge affected your marriage? How would you encourage other couples that may be facing this challenge?
Infertility was a huge challenge for us, especially after dealing with a miscarriage. We got through it with lots of prayer and tears and holding on tight to each other. We made a plan to move forward. We were actually on the waiting list to adopt when we found out I was pregnant with the twins. Those girls are probably our biggest accomplishments. They have become godly young women and are married to men that we are proud to have in our family.
What are some marriage resources that have helped you in your efforts to build a better marriage?
As far as marriage resources go, Drew listens to Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, and Crown Financial Concepts. I read several different marriage blogs: Hot, Holy, and Humorous; Spouse Dates; Romantic Vineyard; and The Generous Wife. I love The Dating Divas for fun ideas.
What is your idea of the ideal date?
For an ideal date, I like to try something new. It could be a new restaurant, even if it serves familiar food or totally new cuisine to us. It could be white-water rafting or just hiking around a different lake or river. I do not need a new thing all of the time, but I think it adds to our relationship to experience novel things together.
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