I would like to invite you to write for Spouse Dates!
My mission with Spouse Dates is to encourage, inspire and motivate individuals to become better spouses and build better marriages, one date at a time. If you are a writer with a message in line with this mission, I highly encourage you to submit a guest post!
Please review the following guidelines and contact me if you have any questions.
I request that your post be related to at least one of the following categories:
- Why date
- How to date
- Date ideas
- Inspiring stories
- Your submission must be original (your own) and not in violation of any copyright laws.
- Shoot for 300-700 words in length.
- Conclude with a call to action for the readers.
- You may provide up to 3 links (blog, Web site, About page, social media channels, etc.).
The following articles offer some very helpful tips to maximize your post.
Anatomy of an Effective Blog Post by Michael Hyatt
9 Ways to Become an Exceptional Guest Poster by Darren Rowse
Seven Steps to Writing a Successful Guest Post by Jeff Goins
7 Crucial Tactics for Writing a Radically Successful Guest Post by Blog Tyrant (via CopyBlogger).
I will review and edit for clarity, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. If I make substantive changes (which is unlikely), I will email the post back to you for your approval before posting.
I may provide a short introduction or conclusion to your post to provide context or the rationale as to why I think the post is important. I will make sure that my comments are set off from yours stylistically, so that my readers are clear that these are mine and not yours.
If your post meets the above guidelines:
Please email your proposed guest post to steve@spousedates.com for consideration.
Include the following in your email:
1. In the Subject line write: Guest Post Submission
2. Include your post title and your full name
3. Copy your guest post into the body of the email. **Do not send it as an attachment.
4. Send images as separate attachments and specify where they would be placed in your post. (Images are not required)
5. A one to two-sentence byline that includes what you do, along with your blog address and 1-3 Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, G+, Pinterest, etc.) addresses.
Here are two guest post examples that were written for Spouse Dates:
1. Marriage on the High Seas: A Survival Lesson
2. Is Your Marriage Like a Car in the Barn?
If you have any questions about the guest posting procedure please shoot me an email (steve@spousedates.com) or message me through the contact page. I look forward to working with you!
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