Questions are powerful things. Here are two powerful marriage building tools that use questions in different ways to help you connect with your spouse.
The first, 36 Questions to Bring You Closer Together, is a set of questions designed by social psychology researcher Arthur Aron to help accelerate deeper intimacy and generate greater affection.
The second, 5 Weekly Questions, is a set of questions designed for you and your spouse to ask each other weekly in order to get current and stay up to speed with each other’s lives.
Each document is designed for you to print to take with you on your next Spouse Date!
Another great question tool is A Year of Questions for You and Your Spouse by Lori Beyerly from The Generous Wife. This is another document you can print out. Then you cut the questions into strips and put them in a container. You can then grab one at any time to spark some good conversation with your spouse.
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